
A volunteer is a person who altruistically and selflessly offers his or her time and resources to carry out an action that will bring benefits to third parties. The volunteer is an essential element in our organization as it allows our social action to be carried out. 


As of today, Fisios Mundi does not have workers. All the people who collaborate actively in the organization, carrying out the projects or the NGO's own management, are volunteers who do it without profit. For this reason, the volunteer is an essential and valuable pillar for Fisios Mundi.



Fisios Mundi volunteers dedicate part of their free time to the tasks of the NGO. These can be diverse depending on the choice and skills of the volunteer. These are some of the functions they can perform:

Direction of the NGO: They are part of the board of directors performing management tasks and making assembly decisions together with the members of the organization.

Management/dissemination: They form a team with the board of directors helping the latter with management tasks or dissemination of social work.

Projects: These can be international or local.

  • International: Formed by a team of professional trainers who will travel to carry out the action in an international country and a team coordinator who will lead the training to ensure its success.
  • Local: Formed by professionals who will perform local action in physiotherapy and a team coordinator who will ensure the proper development of the project.

Sporadic help: family/friends or occasional volunteers to help at specific times.  For example: at conferences, events, and parties, .....

Economic support: They can also collaborate to finance the NGO economically by becoming a member or team member, making a donation, participating in or creating fundraising campaigns, etc...



For the correct development of volunteering it is important that each actor knows his or her rights as well as his or her obligations.

Fisios Mundi must provide this information to the volunteers by including it in the volunteer agreement. Write us if you are interested and we will send you a copy!



The safety of volunteers and beneficiaries is the most important thing. In order to comply with the law and ensure greater security for our volunteers and third-party recipients of our help, Fisios Mundi incorporates the following elements:

Civil liability and accident insurance cover the different risks that the volunteer could suffer and to guarantee the safety of the activity to third parties. The information about the policy and coverage is specified before starting the training or activity, in the volunteer agreement.

A security plan that informs the volunteers about the threats, the measures to reduce them and the actions to be taken in case of possible risks.

Respect for the Data Protection Act and the Law on the transfer of image rights. Fisios Mundi informs volunteers about the treatment of their information, the need for confidentiality of project information as well as privacy and image rights issues.

Improve internal communication with the volunteer coordinator, Fisios Mundi, and the collaborating entities to ensure the safety of the volunteer and the beneficiaries during the training or project.


Can I volunteer if I am not a physiotherapist yet?

Fisios Mundi also needs non-physiotherapist volunteers who bring added value to the organization. From a multidisciplinary point of view, this NGO also integrates other professionals, such as specialists in pedagogy and psychology to give talks on habits, routines, and sexual education. 

As far as physiotherapy students are concerned, they also play an important role in the organization. Despite not being able to participate in international trips for legal reasons, some of them find their place within the NGO by doing studies to improve the quality of volunteer work, participating in fundraising activities, supporting the cause economically, or helping to disseminate social work. Currently, Fisios Mundi is still studying how to integrate students into other volunteer tasks.


Oferta voluntariado

Oferta voluntariado

Buscamos fisioterapeutas voluntarios/as por un proyecto de cooperación local en Barcelona Necesitamos fisioterapeutas para el proyecto de colaboración de Fisiosmundi con @arrelsfundacio para favorecer el bienestar de las personas asistentes a su centro de día y que viven o han vivido en la calle. Si te interesa y/o quieres tener más … Continuar leyendo «Oferta voluntariado»

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Local volunteering offer in Madrid

Local volunteering offer in Madrid

We are resuming local volunteering in Madrid! We are looking for volunteers for the sports activities program in collaboration with the Amas Foundation. For more information, contact fisiosmundi@gmail.com Thank you and welcome!⚽

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