Mission, vision, and values

Fisios Mundi carry out its mission faithfully following its values and aspires to consolidate and grow in the near future with the help of volunteers.



Fisios Mundi aims to bring physiotherapy to the people most in need. It brings knowledge, help, and therapy to the weaker layers and people of society (children, people with functional diversity, and people at risk of social exclusion...), at a local and international level, so that the benefits of physiotherapy help to overcome the physical and/or psychological difficulties of people who have no other access. To do this, it uses training, awareness, and, ultimately, direct action to support the beneficiaries.



Fisios Mundi hopes to be the physiotherapy NGO of international reference. To do this, it fights for the establishment of a wide network of volunteers and the obtaining of regular economic resources to be able to maintain stable intervention programs and make physiotherapy accessible to the most disadvantaged population. In addition, Fisios Mundi works to have an involved social base that guarantees the viability of the entity: contribution of quotas, renewal of positions, and performance of all the necessary management tasks. Finally, Fisios Mundi wishes to make a social complaint by showing social injustices and inequalities and being a speaker of what is found and experienced in the different projects.



  • Respect and adaptation to social reality.
  • Equality and non-discrimination on grounds of race, sex, or religion.
  • Non-profit, fostering volunteering as a way of operating.
  • Promotion of the self-sufficiency of the projects within the communities that adopt them.
  • Transparency in the entity's decisions and accounts.


Statutes: https://www.fisiosmundi.org/adjuntos/estatutos-fisios-mundi-firmado.pdf

Mission, vision, and values