
Manuela, volunteer of the month of July

Manuela, volunteer of the month of July

Manuela Perez Sanchez; Pediatric physiotherapist, she is the volunteer of the month of July and shares her experience with us:

I have had the opportunity to share with mothers and children their worries and doubts related to their own body and the motor, cognitive, social and sensory development of their children. These spaces within volunteering in a dynamic, active and proactive way allowed me to answer the questions that arose through the why, how and for what of each activity; The fundamental base was and will continue to be the movement since it is the one that gives us the vitality and energy for all the development of our daily and leisure activities.

Many thanks to the Casal de Infants for this enriching experience, to its work team and to all those families who fight every day for their own well-being and that of their children. 🥰