
International volunteer requirements

International volunteer requirements

Requirements to be a Volunteer International👇🏻

Much@s ask us what is necessary to be able to volunteer internationally 🌏 with Fisios Mundi and benefit from financial aid on the flight ✈️ and / or accommodation.

Find out here👇

These are some of the requirements that we ask of our volunteers:

✅ Being a member of Fisios Mundi for €40/year. Discover the advantages and discounts 🤑 that you would have for being a member in the following link:
✅Training and experience in the field
✅Speak the language of the country
✅Motivation and availability on project dates.
✅ Respect for other cultures and values aligned with those of Fisios Mundi.
➕Haber already visited a developing country or have collaborated with other NGOs is a plus.