
Thanks to Col·legi de Fisioterapeutes de Catalunya

Thanks to Col·legi de Fisioterapeutes de Catalunya

Thanks to the subsidy granted by the CFC, during 2023 we have been able to send 4 physiotherapists to Nepal who have not had to cover travel expenses.

- They have carried out ongoing training for local professionals, as well as general training for all teachers to improve the daily lives of children with motor difficulties in the two schools.

- At Fisios Mundi we have prepared the training with them, we have monitored its implementation and we have asked them for a final report and an involvement in the transfer of information by the next volunteer.

- Finally, we have carried out an evaluation of the impact of the project in which we have been able to see that the evaluation has been very positive both from the counterpart and from the volunteers and beneficiaries of the project.

- Through the satisfaction survey we have drawn some conclusions to improve some aspects of monitoring and training for 2024.

