
March Volunteer of the Month: Goretti

March Volunteer of the Month: Goretti

On the occasion of International Women's Day we announce the VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH FOR MARCH.

Goretti is a board member of Fisios Mundi and today we celebrate that she is now a doctor of medicine/neuroscience. In February she presented her doctoral thesis defense on the relationship between physical activity and brain health.💪🏽🧠

Today is also a day to vindicate the role of women in science. The stereotypes and gender gap that prevent female scientists from having full and successful careers. Together we have to make researchers and the inequalities they face visible. Several studies prepared by administrations and observatories show a lack of references, vocations and visibility of women scientists, a glass ceiling to access positions of responsibility, discrimination and other aspects inherited from a historically patriarchal society.

💜 For all this and what it represents, congratulations Goretti.

"Every time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women" – Maya Angelou. i-salut-cerebral