
Who takes the decisions?

Who takes the decisions?

Who makes the decisions at Fisios Mundi? Did you know that it is only the members who make the decisions and who approve the budgets in the annual online general assembly? Did you also know that if a member cannot attend the assembly, they can delegate the vote to another trusted member who attends? Did you also know that members who could not … Continuar leyendo «Who takes the decisions?»

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Protocol to select volunteers

Protocol to select volunteers

Did you know that Fisios Mundi has created a protocol to objectify and make the selection of volunteers more transparent? #TransparencyWeek2023

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Organization chart

Organization chart

We continue with the week of transparency. Today we show you the organization chart of Fisios Mundi so that you know who is part of this great family and how we are organized.

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What the income is spent on?

What the income is spent on?

We continue with TRANSPARENCY WEEK by explaining in this video how we invest our income, of which 83% goes to social projects. We present you the international projects we have in India, Vietnam, Ivory Coast, Nepal, Cameroon and Greece, as well as local projects.

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Thanks to Global fisio for the donation to Vietnam's project

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New psychomotricity material in Kathmandu

New psychomotricity material in Kathmandu

Sonia, from Kathmandu, tells us that they have created material for psychomotor skills and how well it is working for them: "We are very happy with our new material! Finally finished and we are already using it with the boys who are having a great time!!!" 🧩🎳🎉

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New board

New board

Last Thursday we held the first meeting of the new board, in the photo you can see: - Itsaso Olasagasti: Presidenta - Goretti España: Secretaria - Mertixell Sacasas: Tesorera - Iñigo Bornachea: Vocal - Alba Enrich: Vocal We will keep you informed of the news! 😊

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Nepal Tracking

Nepal Tracking

Today we had the second follow-up meeting with the volunteers who are in Nepal. Sonia and Loli are doing a great job every day, even if they face complicated challenges. Thank you so much girls! 😋

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