What does Fisios Mundi's local volunteering consist of?
In our country, there are also people without resources to be able to finance physiotherapy treatment. For this reason, Fisios Mundi has several active projects in the province of Barcelona. In collaboration with entities such as Caritas, Creu Roja, Arrels, Fundació Acollida i Esperança or the College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia, this local cooperation project offers a physiotherapy service to people at risk of social exclusion who cannot access through the public or private health system. These groups range from homeless people, people in treatment for addictions, HIV, and people with functional diversity,...
Arrels Fundació
We weekly collaborate in a home managed by Arrels Fundació, for people with a really hard social reality and baggage marked by poverty and severe situations of social exclusion. Our volunteers carry out a group intervention to promote healthy habits in the home users and provide general health education.
Social housing Almeda, Cornellà - Caritas
These social housing units consist of 19 flats for people with a situation of social exclusion and few economic resources who need accompaniment or supervision to be able to carry out activities of their daily lives. From Fisios Mundi we carry out weekly individual therapies and dynamic groups of therapeutic exercise for the residents.
Tots som Santboians
It is an association that has been established for 30 years and is dedicated to the leisure and free time sector. Its objective is that people with functional diversity in Sant Boi have and know how to maintain their autonomy. They do activities from Monday to Saturday. Among them are theater, dance, informatics, bingo, cognitive activities, cinema, and hippotherapy. The latter takes place one Sunday a month in the agricultural area of Sant Boi and it is in this activity where we do the combined work.
We will collaborate together to advance the inclusive surfing and paddle surfing activities that are organized on weekends. They are also trying to create a pilot study to see what impact these activities have at a rehabilitative level.
In addition, thanks to a grant from the Association of Physiotherapists of Catalonia (CFC), a hybrid chair has been purchased and an adapted WC is being built to eliminate architectural barriers.
Cruz Roja / Red Cross
We work together with this well-known entity by holding health promotion talks aimed at vulnerable people who are excluded from many social benefits and services, with ages between 20-55 years and many social problems.
The project is currently stopped.
Fundación Acollida and Esperança - Can Banús
The Can Banús Reception Center is a residential home for people affected by HIV and who suffer from social exclusion. It is managed by the Fundación Acollida and Esperança, located in Badalona, which started operating in 1996 and has a capacity for 27 people. From Fisios Mundi we do dynamics groups of therapeutic exercise for the residents once a week.
This month has been very active in the CP Centres: The India team has carried out a three-day training session attended by the staff of the 5 CP centers of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation. Topics such as drooling, the establishment of functional objectives have been treated, clinical cases have been studied and also notions for making dynamic … Continuar leyendo «Training and new material in CP centers (India)»
Today we are celebrating in Hetauda, as the second floor of Asha Special School & Rehabilitation Center, built years after the first, has been inaugurated. We see two parts in the ceremony: institutional and religious. Congratulations! 🥳